Mac Commands

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Audio File Convert
Audio File Info
Audio File Play
Manage Apple AirPort wireless cards and settings
Create or display command aliases
Allocate and display memory usage statistics
Search the manual page names and descriptions
Apple Software Restore
Font registration system utility
Run an Automator workflow
Pattern scanning and processing language
Prints the filename portion of a given path
Bourne-again shell, a command interpreter
An arbitrary precision calculator language
Resumes a suspended job and runs it in the background
Sets the bootability of a disk
Decompresses files compressed with bzip2
Prevents the system from sleeping on behalf of a utility
Displays a calendar of the specified month or year
Concatenates and displays file contents
Changes the current working directory
Changes the permissions of a file or directory
Changes the ownership of a file or directory
Clears the terminal screen
Copies files and directories
Transfers data from or to a server
Displays or sets the system date and time
Access and manipulate macOS user defaults
Reports the amount of disk space used and available
Compares files line by line
DNS lookup utility
Manage disks, partitions, and volumes on macOS
Copies files and directories
Estimates file and directory space usage
Displays text or variables
Searches for a pattern using extended regular expressions
Displays or sets environment variables
Replaces the current shell process with a specified command
Terminates the current shell session
Converts tabs to spaces in a file
Sets environment variables
Determines the file type
Searches for files and directories
Displays information about users
Formats text files
Wraps text to fit a specified width
File system consistency check and repair
File Transfer Protocol client
GNU implementation of AWK
GNU Compiler Collection
Displays system configuration variables
Searches for a pattern in files or input
Decompresses files compressed with gzip
Compresses files using gzip compression
Remembers the full pathname of a command
Displays the first lines of a file
Displays command history
Performs DNS lookups
Prints or sets the system's host name
Prints user and group information
Configures and displays network interfaces
Reads Info documents
Copies files and sets attributes
Generates data and writes it to standard output
Terminates processes by process ID (PID)
Terminates processes by name
View file contents with pagination
Creates links between files
Finds files by name
Prints files
Lists directory contents
Builds software from source code
Displays the manual pages for commands
Creates directories
View file contents with pagination
Find files and directories by name and metadata
Moves or renames files and directories
Text editor
Netcat, a versatile networking utility
Check network quality and performance
Manage network settings and configurations
Opens files and directories
Copies data to the clipboard
Pastes data from the clipboard
Sends ICMP echo requests to a host
Sets the exit status of a pipeline to the last (rightmost) non-zero exit status
Property list utility for manipulating plist files
Power management settings control
Displays information about running processes
Prints the current working directory
Displays disk usage and limits
Exit the pager or viewer
Quick Look file preview
Quick Look management tool
Reads a line from standard input
Resolve the absolute path of a file
Restarts the system
Removes files and directories
Removes empty directories
Remote file and directory synchronization
Converts text to speech
Securely copies files between hosts
Terminal multiplexer
Capture screen or window contents
Stream editor for filtering and transforming text
Shuts down the system
Scriptable image processing system
Update software on macOS
Sorts lines of text files
Secure shell client
Execute a command as a superuser
Retrieve system hardware and software information
Outputs the last part of files
Manipulates archive files
Manage task scheduling policies
Prints system information
Filters adjacent matching lines from input
Converts units of measurement
Displays system uptime and load average
Displays logged-in users
Text editor
Improved version of the vi text editor
Displays virtual memory statistics
Prints newline, word, and byte counts for files
Displays information about logged-in users
Prints the current user name
Builds and executes command lines from standard input
Opens a file or URL using the default application
Prints a continuous stream of a specified string
Concatenates and displays compressed files
Creates a zip archive